Scarlet and Purple Pokémon: How does Primeope evolve? Guide to get Annihilape
It has been a long time since that first edition of Pokémon, in which the monsters evolved only when climbing level, when exchanged or through the evolutionary stones. We have seen how in the last deliveries we have much more specific conditions such as friendship or equipment.
Pokémon Scarlet and purple Pokémon were not going to be less. There is a good handful of pocket monsters that do not evolve traditionally, and that require that we know a small trick to be able to achieve its improved shape.
One of the cases is Prime ope, the evolution of Monkey and one of the original Pokémon that already appeared in blue and red. The fact is that in this ninth generation it finally receives a new form and that it is not easy to get if you do not know how to activate. We give you all the keys.
Who is the evolution of Prime ope?
Annihilate is Monkey's third evolution, which comes with the ninth generation of Pokémon. This is the typical new way that achieves a secondary type, passing this time a monotype fights a double struggle.
It is a very interesting combination, because with ghost the weakness to psychic that traditionally possesses the fighting Pokemon is canceled. Therefore, it is a very interesting option yes what you want is to have a good fighter that is not weak to that source of damage.
Curia fist is the key
To evolve Prime ope in Annihilate, it will not help you train the Pokémon or raise levels. In fact, you can upload it to 100, that if you do not take a previous step, it will be useless. This is because the evolution of this Pokémon is linked to the concrete use of an attack: fist curia.
If you capture a prime ope or get one through the evolution of Lanka, you will see that it has a ghost attack such as curia fist. If you do not have it, or it happened to learn it, you can remember it at any time from the Menu of Prime ope attacks itself.
All you need is to use this attack a total of 20 times, two PP loads, and then raise a level to the Pokémon. If you have done it correctly, you can get Annihilate without any problems.
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