All Sun Stone evolutions in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple

The stone of the Sun has been used to evolve Pokémon throughout several generations, so you are probably wondering if you will need it to evolve to Pokémon native pale. After all, there is a wide variety of evolution mechanics in Scarlet and Purple. Here is everything you need to know about each evolution of Sun Stone in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple.

What Pokémon can evolve with a solar stone?

You can evolve two Pokémon with a solar stone in Pale: Sunken and Detail, but no evolution is essential to fight. Both Pokémon are located at the southern end of the region, with Detail a little further west and Sunken a little more east. Here is a brief description of both Sun Stone evolutions:

Sol Flower

Image source: The Pokémon Company through

Sunken is literally called in Pokédex for being weak, and his evolution is just a marginal improvement. Sun flora is cute, but is surpassed by other grass-type attackers; Even with Chlorophyll, you are not fast enough to overcome Pokémon as flaming with acceptable speed.


Image source: The Pokémon Company through

The evolution of Detail Lillian is definitely better than Sun flora; It is 3 times faster and has a better special attack. It can be worth keeping it on your team for Titan Battles and Water Gym, but your special defense and defense are low, and habitual grass counters can eliminate it.


That is all we have in each evolution of Sun Stone in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple. Check out some of our other Scarlet and Purple contents, such as how to fly, a list of all legendary and Toadstool habitat.

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