NEW WORLD: Why Jens on Item

Like all modern MMOS also offers New World skins for armor and weapons, which for Jens smoking the experience.

New World has appeared, Juhu! Although I did not have much to explore the island of Aternum in recent days (not because of queues, but Far Cry 6), but the first hours have already fun. Amazon celebrates the release of its MMOs with an action on the in-house streaming platform Twitch: Who promotes certain streamers at the New World socks and linked his twitch account with their own game account, can dust various weapons skins as Drops. Because I wanted to watch a few streamers anyway, I automatically secured all the skins. But I will probably never use it. And thus welcome to a new edition of Jens and his video playticks !

Item skins look at cool for entry-level philos

I think I have never used in a Loot-based game Item skins that completely change the appearance of weapons or armor. Even when I was 14 years ago (yes, that s really sooo long ago) in the shard by World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade on the road and my witch champion looked as if he were a colorful disco ball, I thought at no time: Hach how beautiful it would be if I just could miss a pretty skin.

For me, in role-playing or other titles in which Loot plays a role in the form of weapons and clothes, usually: an item looks just as it looks, and for good reason. So if I get a sword in New World with Level 10 (from 60) and that looks quite unspectacular, that s not the case because the developers want to annoy me. A blade for a stage 10 character is not exactly powerful and not valuable. Why should she look like it, as if she were both? That would not make sense within the spiellogic. The same applies to the clothes I can wear with level 10. If I had already overturned the most radiant and coolest-looking armor at this early time, I would find that weird. Because what should come after that? How should that be talked about?

I want to work cool optics

That brings me to the second point: the reward aspect. For me it is not only satisfactory, on a high level an item to caught that has particularly good values ​​and rare. The optics also plays a crucial role. An epic object must be damn cool again! I want to specify this before other players when I walk through the city.

Gw Movie- Game Night!! In old WoW times, it was indeed so that one was jealous of everyone who has passed with particularly chic armor and a glowing weapon by storm wind. Skins did not exist back then. Who wanted to be fashionable, had to work hard and be Raiden or the king on the PVP battlefields. Today, this is no longer the case by disseminating skin shops in online role-playing games. Whether World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, Final Fantasy XIV or New World - you can buy skins everywhere, which make themselves look a level-1 character like a starred hero. Or like a real badass.

From me, other people should use skins. Although I miss a little bit described above from Wow, but as the sale of cosmetic items has established itself as the best method for a fair monetization away from subscription models, I can accept that. But I hold it away. My character should only look powerful if he is really. Everything else would feel the reward, if you really get a high quality item after several hours, not completely, but just a little smoking. In addition, I m just in the heart of a small role player and it would not fit at all if my hero green beak would look like in New World as if he had already proven himself in hundreds of battles or so much gold worked on and out at the best Schneider Aeternum goes.

Other genres, other sensation

But I want to emphasize that I really only refer to games in all of them, where Loot is part of the progression. In a Battle-Royale game or multiplayer shooters in general, I am also pleased about every Sicking Skin, who lands in my collection, be it now for my character or weapon. Whether Call of Duty, Valorant or Hunt: Showdown, in such games I can not stove the cosmetics in the virtual cabinet. Although I have to work hard for some good weapons, but I can not completely change the appearance of the knears, but only the colors. This is simply not comparable, in New World from a character that looks like a farmer, with a few mouse clicks to make a radiant superhero.

There is only a situation where I would use an item-skin in a Loot-based game: If my character has reached the maximum level and bears the best equipment that I do not like visually. If there were purely cosmetic alternatives that meet more my taste, I would use them if I would not have to pay high prices for it. But then I just have reached at the end of the Loot spiral and there can be all the above-mentioned no matter.

Buy New World now!


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