NEW WORLD is now under 3 weeks on Steam: That s what you say about the new MMO
On September 28, World after several shifts finally celebrated its release on Steam. Now we wanted to know about mymo of you what you think about the new MMO. And many of you are currently watching New World.
What was this for a survey? On October 15, we asked you how your New World finds almost two weeks after releasing. A total of 2,251 people participated in the survey. That s the result:
744 (33.05%) of you will find new world good 720 (31.99%) Find New World even very well 145 (6.44%) do not find New World so well 98 (4.35%) Find New World badly
In addition, 255 (11.33%) of the participants New World did not play yet
This is a considerable part of our readers satisfied with the new MMO. However, many of you wrote in the comments that you have concerns about the endgame and the future of New World. Also, the situation with the servers has led to devaluations.
Praise for atmosphere and crafting
What praise our readers at New World? In almost all comments under the survey, the atmosphere and crafting are praised in New World. This is how our reader writes Nyxaro:
I have now arrived at about 150 hours and Level 54. I enjoy the game a lot of fun. I can also collect a good time an hour into resources and / or crafts, if I do not have a bock anymore and even get well EP. The instances are really fun until now, because mistakes are partly directly oneshotes. Even the refueling makes me a lot of fun in this MMO. Nice to do a little more in a MMO than just 1234 to spam.
Max Mustermann is also excited about crafting:
[I like New World] very well! A fantastic crafting, no matter what you collect, it is needed for anything. The best things are crafted in the endgame himself and that makes the Grind for positive duty.
For the atmosphere, there are praise from the readers master turtle, law and Horteo. Also mymo author Mark Sellner is so enthusiastic about the game world that he plays a MMORPG with sound for the first time:
worried about endgame, trading prices and the future of the game
Where did our readers have to worry? Many of you have shared their worries about the future of New World in the over 100 comments. One of them refers to the endgame.
Our reader Alex, for example, hopes that Amazon still brings new content quickly enough:
There are then too few regular alternatives [in PVP]. The Outpost Rush mode is the only one and that will certainly be boring at some point. I hope that Amazon has raided a few more PVP modes quite quickly, and also like a few more endgame expeditions.
Also, threepwood is skeptical about the endgame. This is due to the bugs in higher territories, on the other to the fact that many players soon become in few areas:
The 60s are rightly angry because massive is a lot and they have to rumble on a few, small areas to progress. When the mass arrives at players there, it gets really tight on the map.
Also towards the endgame also goes the subject of trading prices. Here, several of our readers fear that the prices for goods could soon go in the basement. Master turtle writes about:
The alleged Player Driven Economy is unfortunately more appearance than being. The bearings of the people sources over, in the market only a few were really good. The fact that equipped on every corner, from any mob and from any chest equipment, the crafting professions are too large again. It can not be the meaning of crafting, somehow to lie to 200 to then craft 5 important items.
Do not destroy the non-existent mechanics, loose and remove from the game, also leads to total inflation.
One criticism that has also been mentioned several times, is the difficult part in the wars for territory. More we have gathered here:
How should look like the future of New World? For the future, many want from you first of all new weapons, new expeditions and more PvP modes such as an arena. Also crafting should be extended even further after the release.
Again, some express concern that Amazon could stoking too slow new content. Some of you are wondering why there is still no statement or roadmap for the future of New World.
Some players are not with New World Hot
What do the players who have poorly rated New World? While the positive comments praising especially the crafting and atmosphere of MMOs, some readers will MeinMMO with the game did not warm to us.
They disturb the quests or the combat system. Ryngha, for example, does not understand the Hype about New World at all:
Unfortunately, I have to say that NW does not pick me up. Apart from the miesen communication from Amazon and the queues at the beginning: super boring, uninspired quests, crafts is okay, but also lame. The combat system is okay, but not more.
Hypetrain has thrown me shortly after the start of the rear. But that can not seriously shackle like WOW, ESO or FFXIV?
With this opinion is not alone, but already in the comments our readers have pointed out that tastes are very different.
More about New World on Meinmom:
Players in New World played over 360 hours, sleeps less than 3 hours a day New World Guides: All tips, tricks and builds in the overview New World: Guild Leader loses war to war around fortress - the cod guild and changing the group
Follow us on our special Facebook page to New World to miss no important news or our guides.
Swimming as a meme of New World
An issue in our comments was also swimming. For many of you wonder why there are no swimming animations in the game and the characters run underwater instead.
TRONIC48 For example, New World is fully convinced, but names swim as one of the criticisms: You still can not swim, which is totally stupid. In other comments, the topic swimming was then taken as a joke.
How do you see New World? Did the MMO convince or ignore it more? Write and like to discuss and discuss it in the comments about it!
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