Borderlands 3 - "Rare Chest Riches" event will soon go live - Rare Chest

The legendary drop rates increase with every rare open chest.

Gear Software Grifts 3 will soon have a new mini-event named Rare Chest Riches. The basic idea is that every rare open chest has an increased legendary droprate. If you observe a streamer on Twitch and the Echocast extension is activated, this also applies every time a streamer opens a rare chest.

The event will be available until the 13th of February, but there is more, which is pending today. The new hotfix also increases the spawn rates for rare spawns, Targets of Opportunities and Hammerlock Hunts and at the same time increases the chances of legendary and salted drops. And although the reduced TakeDown should be temporarily temporarily at the Maliwan BlackSite event, it is now a permanent addition to the game.

For future TakeDown activities, the scaling will be active. Do not worry - if you want to play the 4-player cooop version Solo, a patch will be released later this month to activate the True TakeDown mode. At the beginning of the map, a machine is added to switch the TRUE TAKEDOWN mode. For more information, see the coming weeks.

Tags: 2K games, borderlands 3, gearbox software, pc, ps4, xbox one


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