15 times games felt like that as if they were just too long
Especially when the end approaches, it is still a long way.
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Fantasy 15
In fact, playing the main history of Final Fantasy 15 does not last much longer than 30 hours, so that the long feeling does not have so much with the term to do as with the pace. More specifically, these few chapters towards the end of the game, which were completely linear and brought the open world of the game to succumb, with a large part of this part also saw Noctis all alone and without the company of his friends - which openly said that was the best Part of the game to start with it. Luckily, Final Fantasy 15 ends with a very strong note, leaving at least this monstrous section leaves a bad taste in the mouth of the player.
Resident Evil 6
Taken together, the three campaigns of Resident Evil 6 may take between 25 and 30 hours, and although this number does not seem to be much, the quality of the game gives the feeling that it is much longer than it is. Let's Fair here - there are some moments in RE6, which are actually pretty cool, and in Leon's campaign were particularly some good things. But on the whole, Resident Evil 6 failed as a action game and as a horror game, and the three-time sitting by the credits often felt like a chore.
La Noire
L.A. Noire felt like one of these games, which did not necessarily have to be an open world. The main attraction was the story, and in fact, the open world has mostly obstructed only because it was not much interesting anyway. Then there was the fact that it seemed like the game would lay his story on ice, as it needed his sweet time to get to the point, while many of the main missions had the tendency to repeat a bit . Overall, the game felt twice as long as it should have been.
The witcher 3
The Witcher 3 has no real stimulation problems. It is not a start-stop history. It does not feel like it was overcrowded with filler main tasks, and his open world is absolutely unnecessary. No, the only reason why The Witcher 3 is a bit too long, is that it is literally a bit too long. The end of the main story can take between 60 and 70 hours and take up to 100 hours depending on the style of play. Then the DLC comes into play, where Hearts of Stone is a solid 10-15-hour affair and Blood and Wine is a little longer with 15-20 hours. All in all, there is between 100 and 200 hours of content in the game, and although this feels like Christmas in video game form, this is only daunting for some.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Sometimes less is more. Assassins Creed Odyssey gives this phrase a new meaning. Do not understand me wrong, Odyssey is a fantastic game - probably the best Assassin's Creed, which we had for years - but it is also a bit too bloated, which is criticized too often. It is an absolutive huge world full of quests, side quests and optional activities. Many of these optional quests do not feel too optional, considering how much you need later in the game to grind.
Mass Effect Andromeda
With Mass Effect Andromeda there were a lot of problems, and the open world of the game was definitely one of the reasons that the game has affected. Open World and Mass Effect make a lot of sense on the paper, but Andromedas Open World environments felt boring and lifeless - and they have a little too much extensive. In addition, the story itself really stagnated for a good dozen hours in the middle and the game was felt at the time when the credits rolled as if it had to end about fifteen hours earlier.
Middle earth: Shadow of the war
The BattleFront 2 of 2017 was the trigger for a massive setback of the audience against excessive microtransaktions and booty boxes in games, and that's a good thing, because until this time, the frequency was alarming, using the games aggressive monetization. Shadow of was one of the most monstrous examples and forced the players to make purchases to progress. It was this model that extended the length of the game unnecessarily extended and made a potentially outstanding game a game that could have been much better than it ultimately turned out.
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a slow combustion. In the form of video games, it's breaking bath - it knows where it wants it, but it wants to earn his end and all his great moments, and that's why it needs his sweet time to get to these moments and set up all pieces for pieces. It is masterful storytelling - but while there are many who like such things, some just find some too slow. It is this speed that the already considerable duration of Red Dead Redemption 2 of about 50 hours will be even longer. Add a section in the middle of the game, which - at least for a while - destroy the momentum and the pace is still uneven.
Just like the Witcher 3, Skyrim is not too long because the speed is uneven or contains too much content. No, it's too long because it's literally too long. This is a game of interesting things that plays in a world that needs to be thoroughly explored, with quests and side quests you can not go. And if you do not do everything, you can enjoy hours to play around in the open world. But if you are looking for a game that does not do dozens, if not hundreds of hours and does not keep away from playing pretty much everything else, maybe they want to stay away from this.
METAL GEAR SOLID 5: The phantom pain
Who would have thought that we have just too much Metal Gear Solid Satt? The first chapter of Phantom Pain is one of the best content that has ever delivered this series. This type of material makes us wonder how much better this game could have been when Hideo Kojima and his team have got more time to finish it. But then chapter 2 comes, which feels like a repetition of everything we have already done in the first chapter - because that's exactly what. It is a core to pass his repeated missions, and the fact that it does not even end with a satisfactory disbursement makes it all the more disappointing.
Okami is one of the most criminally underestimated games of all time. To call an All-Time-Great would not be overestimated by its quality - but there are many, which believes that the game lasts far too long despite its strengths. After over 30 hours it is a game that can feel like surviving his reception. There are a few times where the game seems to end, but then it's just a bit longer. It is a good thing that the mechanical core of the game is so strong and quite all defects eliminated.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
XenoBlade 2 does not suffer from the problems with the speed resulting from too long operations, as is the case with many games on this list. In a way, little is undeserved by its term. It's just that a lot of boring feels boring, causing the game to feel sluggish and takes too long. There are many additional actions in the 60-hour running time of the game, which only pose a delay - and you can make the whole game as if it would continue to expand.
God of was one of the best games of this generation and as one of the best games from a Sony First Party Studio would not be the slightest exaggeration - but no game can be perfect. With around 25 hours, God of was more than twice as long as the longest God of War game before, but sometimes these 25 hours can suffer from a slightly uneven speed. A few MacGuffins here, a few somewhat uneven sections there, made for moments in the game, in which it felt as if the tempo follow. Luckily, the heights of this game were so high and the end so spectacular that it became very easy to ignore tempoprobysters.
Star Ocean 4
JRPGs have always been too long and often suffered from poor stimulation, and Star Ocean 4 is a textbook example. It's a game that certainly is not without its strengths, but a few bows in history need far too long to finish come, many dungeons feel unnecessarily pulled in length, and some sections of the game just feel flat An-out unnecessary. Everything comes together to give the game the feeling that it should have been much shorter than it was.
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